Get Reddy for 100-Mile Challenge

Reddy Bikeshare and Independent Health are excited to present our first-ever 100-Mile Challenge. We are rewarding Western New Yorkers who pedal the most steam into their summer routine.  Every user who tallies 100 or more miles on a Reddy Bike between April 1 and September 15, 2023, earns a $5 rider credit and an invitation to an end-of-year Biketober Bash in October. Users with the 10 highest mileage counts win a limited-edition prize pack, and the highest scoring bicyclist wins two Buffalo Bills tickets, all provided by Independent Health.

Last year, 73 members pedaled 100 or more miles on a Reddy Bike. The folks who make up that list are typically annual pass members who live locally and make dozens—sometimes hundreds—of short trips for work or to run errands with a Reddy Bike. They may have never pedaled a Century Bike Ride in their life, but they deserve the credit of doing just that.

The contest is inspired off of the longtime Independent Health and Buffalo Bills Health & Wellness Challenge, which kicks off Monday, May 1. (Keep in mind, miles pedaled can be applied to both of these contests.)

Entering the contest is easy:

  • Simply unlock a Reddy Bike and start pedaling for fun, work or to visit friends. (See this link about how to sign up and use Reddy Bikeshare)

  • Each bike is equipped with GPS, so there’s no added work of tracking your progress.

  • At the end of every month, the Reddy Team will tabulate every users’ mile counts to date. We will email all users who’ve crossed the 100-mile marker with a $5 credit. We’ll give a month-by-month update on how many members have achieved the challenge.

  • The contest closes September 15, and every person who achieves our 100-Mile Challenge will be invited to a Biketober Bash in October—details to be announced later. At the Biketober Bash, we’ll announce and reward the folks who pedaled the top 10 highest mile counts of the season!*

    (*Be sure our team will consult with users on waiving their rights to privacy before listing their name on a leaderboard.)

With the start of Bike Month, presented by Independent Health, kicking off soon, there’s multiple ways to fill in those miles on Reddy. Check GObike’s Web Calendar of 40+ events throughout the month of May, and Slow Roll Buffalo’s Calendar of free, expert-supported 10-mile bike rides that are sprinkled throughout the season.

August 2023 Update


Reddy Turns 7


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